EchoVerse Logo

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 4/25/2024

Although EchoVerse is not a real chatting service, it is still important that you are aware of how your information is collected and used.

Personal Information / Data

EchoVerse collects your name to optimize the simulated chatting experience. This information is stored locally in your browser and is sent to OpenAI. It is not stored on EchoVerse servers.

Conversations & Messages

This application stores all chats and their corresponding messages to your browser's local storage. These chats are sent to OpenAI to be completed. These conversations are not retained by EchoVerse.


The chatbots in this application are powered by OpenAI. Any information you send in the chat will be sent to and processed by OpenAI. Their privacy policy can be found here:

Policy Changes

This privacy policy may be subject to change. Any changes will be posted to this page.


For any questions regarding this policy, contact me at